National Holidays

Celebrating El Día de los Reyes Magos

El Día de los Reyes Magos

Epiphany is a big holiday celebrated on January 6th in Spain. Its also known as “El Día de los Reyes Magos” (The Day of the Wise Men).

This holiday means that the christmas is over. Its filled with traditions and events. The Magic of Epiphany Epiphany remembers the story from the Bible about the three wise men Melchior, Caspar, and Balthazar—who traveled to Bethlehem to give gifts to the baby Jesus.

The story comes to life with big parades and celebrations that fill the city.

The Night Before: The Arrival of the Kings

The fun starts on the evening of January 5th with the “Cabalgata de Reyes” or the Kings’ Parade as its called in Spain.

This is a special time for children as they watch the three kings passing through the streets.

The kings throw candies and small toys to the children. People of all ages come out to watch the parade, making it a big community event.

Treats and Traditions

Roscón de Reyes
Roscón de Reyes

Food is an important part of Epiphany in Marbella. The “Roscón de Reyes” is a traditional Spanish cake that looks like a crown.

Its sweet and often filled with cream or chocolate, and decorated with candied fruits. Inside the cake, there is a small figurine of baby Jesus or a bean.

Finding the figurine in your slice is considered lucky and means you should buy the cake next year.

Gifts and Family Time

Gift-giving is a big part of Epiphany. In Spain, it is the Three Kings who bring gifts to children, not Santa Claus.

Children write letters to the Kings asking for gifts, and on the morning of January 6th, they find their presents, often placed in their shoes.
