Moving to Marbella

Complete Guide to NIE Number in Spain

How to get NIE number

If you plan to live or work in Spain, you’ll need a NIE number in Spain. You need it for any financial, work or personal matters in Spain. This guide will make the NIE application process clearer for you.

Getting to know the NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero) will make things easier. From booking your NIE appointment to filling out forms, we’re here to help.

We’ve designed this guide to be easy and helpful. It’ll help you get your NIE number in Spain without stress.


  • NIE Spain: Essential for foreigners in Spain’s legal, professional, or financial activities.
  • NIE application form: The main document to start applying with other important papers.
  • NIE appointment online: You book an appointment online.
  • NIE appointment: You must arrange a meeting in advance because they’re very popular.
  • The NIE number has a specific format: a letter, seven digits, then another letter.
  •  It’s important for many things like buying property, buying a car or paying taxes

Step-by-Step Guide to the NIE Application Process

NIE Application
NIE Application

If you’re already familiar with the NIE number and know that you need it, a guide on how to proceed follows here.

Step 1: Determine the Correct Application Form

These forms can typically be downloaded from the official website of the Spanish Ministry or the Spanish consulate’s website in your country.

Proceed here:

Step 2: Compile the Required Documentation

  • A valid passport or national ID card (original and photocopy).
  • Proof of the economic, professional, or social reasons for the NIE request (e.g., contract of sale for a property, job contract, enrollment in an educational institution).
  • Two recent passport-sized photographs.

Additional documents may be required depending on your specific situation, such as a marriage certificate or proof of address in Spain.

Step 3: Book an Appointment

You must book an appointment at the nearest Spanish consulate if you’re applying from outside Spain or at the Oficina de Extranjeros (Foreigners Office) or a police station with a foreigner’s department if you’re applying from within Spain. Appointments can also be made online through the official website of the Ministry of the Interior.

Step 4: Pay the Application Fee

There is a fee associated with applying for a NIE number. You’ll need to pay this fee at a bank using the 790 form, which you can obtain from the same sources as the application forms. Keep the payment receipt as you’ll need to present it with your application.

Step 5: Attend Your Appointment

Go to your appointment and remember to arrive well before your appointment. Bring all the required documents including the completed application form, passport or national ID, proof of the economic or social ties justifying the NIE request, passport photos, and the payment receipt for the application fee.

Step 6: Receive Your NIE Number

If your application is successful you may receive your NIE number immediately or be asked to return at a later date to collect it. The time frame can vary widely depending on the office and its workload.

Introduction to NIE Number in Spain

Introduction to NIE Number in Spain
Introduction to NIE Number in Spain

Please read through the text here before applying so you know what it’s about. The NIE Number in Spain is very important for non-residents. It’s not just for paperwork. It’s your key to living and working in Spain.

A quick NIE introduction shows why it matters in many areas.

  • Every NIE has a letter, seven numbers, and another letter at the end. This makes it special for each person.
  • It’s linked with residence cards and social security in Spain. It’s very important in the country.
  • From 2004, you need an NIE for buying homes and cars, getting jobs, and studying.

You can get an NIE in Spain in three ways. Apply yourself, ask someone else to do it, or use Spanish offices abroad. You must fill in form EX-15, bring your passport, and have photos with you.

The National Police of Spain give you a paper when you’re done.

  • People from outside the EU/EFTA who stay long need to add their NIE to their TIE card.
  • NIE numbers last forever, but you need to renew TIE cards.
  • NIE numbers for foreigners are like DNI numbers for Spanish people. They are very similar.

The NIE Number is important for people and businesses too. It has taken the place of old tax numbers. With this number, you get work, health, and family benefits. So, getting an NIE is key to being part of Spanish life.

The NIE is key to unlocking life in Spain. It’s much more than just paperwork.

Understanding the NIE:

The NIE Number in Spain, also known as Número de Identificación de Extranjero in Spanish, is crucial. It’s not just a set of numbers and letters. It opens many doors for people from other countries living in Spain. To understand its value, let’s look into what the NIE is. We’ll see its unique look and why it’s a must for a long stay in Spain.

Defining NIE: Número de Identificación de Extranjero

The NIE is easy to understand. It’s a special number given to non-Spanish people living in Spain. This number helps with taxes and legal stuff. It stays the same for each person and is very important. It’s needed for work, buying houses, and being part of Spanish life.

Visual Characteristics of the NIE Number

The look of the NIE is unique. It starts with a letter, followed by seven numbers, and ends with another letter. This special format makes you easily recognised in all official papers. It shows you are from another country when dealing with Spanish rules.

The Importance of the NIE for Foreigners in Spain

The NIE is critical for those living in Spain from other places. It’s needed for financial matters and legal things like buying a house, buying a car, opening a bank account, start a company and for paying taxes. If you are buying a house and need a mortage loan, it is also important.

It also helps you become part of Spanish society. Getting and using an NIE correctly is key to making Spain your home.

Eligibility and Requirements for Securing a NIE

Getting a NIE Number in Spain requires knowing what papers you need. It’s important whether you’re from the EU or not. Let’s learn about getting this key number for living in Spain.

If you’re from the EU, you have three months to apply after you arrive. Non-EU folks often get their tax ID when they become Spanish residents. This makes things a little easier. But, getting a NIE might take up to a month in Spain. Or even more than two months if you’re applying from abroad.

  • Having solid reasons to be in Spain is key for NIE eligibility.
  • You start by filling out the EX-15 form correctly.
  • You also need your passport, copies, recent photos, and possibly a residence certificate.
  • Plus, non-EU people must show they have entered Spain and complete tax form 790.
  • Every applicant pays a small fee of 9.84 euros as of 2023. This is a necessary part of the process.

A NIE Number in Spain is yours for life. It’s crucial for work, starting a business, and more. Despite waiting times differing, your NIE stays the same. For non-EU folks staying over six months, getting a TIE card, with the NIE, is a must.

If you can’t apply yourself, someone else can do it with your permission. Firms like Lexidy can make this easier. They offer help for those unable to apply themselves.

To wrap up, know if you’re eligible, collect your documents, and understand the process well. Remember, a NIE helps you in many official ways. It helps you become part of Spain’s lively community.

Obtaining a NIE Outside of Spain: Consulate Applications

For 2023-2024, if you’re joining programmes like NALCAP, getting a NIE application outside Spain is key. You’ll need it to legally stay. This part will guide you through the NIE consulate application process. It covers needed steps and NIE documentation abroad. Knowing the NIE timeline is crucial for a smooth time at your local Spanish consulate.

NIE number in Spain

Preparing for Your Consulate Visit

Before going to the consulate, check your US passport. It must be valid for six months after your programme ends. Consulates serve specific states or territories. Make sure you’re at the right one. Visa processes take weeks and involve different offices, so start early.

Get translations and apostilles for your background checks. They often ask for these during the visa and NIE process.

Documentation and Application Submission Abroad

Follow the rules from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Consulates General of Spain closely. Prepare all your paperwork well. Since NIE documentation abroad needs can change, book early. While consulates know about NALCAP, they work independently. So, they might take time to respond, especially with many people asking questions.

Understanding the Timeline for Consulate Applications

US passports are made within 5-6 weeks, but consulate times differ. If you’re in a rush, US embassies offer fast services. A good understanding of the NIE timeline is important. NIEs usually take about five days to process. But this can change depending on how busy they are.

Getting your first appointment can be hard. So be patient and keep trying. Your NIE is a key ID in Spain for life. So, this effort will pay off for your future in Spain.

Getting your NIE from outside Spain might look hard. But knowing what the consulate needs makes it easier. It’s a big step towards your Spanish residency for the NALCAP school year.

Navigating Financial Aspects of the NIE

NIE financial aspects are key for non-residents in Spain. This matters a lot if you rent or own property. The NIE and taxes go hand in hand. Non-residents must pay taxes on money made in Spain. The tax for non-resident landlords is 19% if you’re from the EU, Norway, or Iceland. For others, it’s 24%.

You need to figure out tax based on your property’s official value. If you own property but don’t live there, you must file tax returns every three months. Spanish tax officers are strict. They send demands and give you 10 days to pay.

Knowing about NIE and banking matters too. The NIE is vital for lots of financial stuff. This includes opening bank accounts and buying property or vehicles. It’s also needed to get a mobile number.

Getting an NIE shows you’re part of the job market. You must fill in the EX-15 form and show a passport, photo, and why you’re applying. You also pay the Model 790 fee. Sometimes, you might need more documents. The NIE is very important in Spain for both work and money matters.

For people within the EU, some costs can lower your taxes. This includes upkeep, local fees, bank charges, and mortgage interest. The NIE, money matters, and taxes in Spain are all connected. You need good financial planning and to know your stuff.

It’s good to know the NIE doesn’t need renewing. But for some stuff, your NIE must be less than three months old. If you lose it, report it right away. You’ll have to apply again and maybe show more ID.

When you move in Spain, you must update your NIE at the Foreigners’ Office. You’ll need proof of your new address. NIE-related money matters are complex. Understanding them is crucial if you’re doing business in Spain.

NIE Number in Spain: Renewal and Validity Details

Getting to know about NIE renewal and NIE validity is key for those not from Spain. The NIE renewal process might be easy or hard, based on your situation and permit type. Applying for an NIE number in 2024 won’t cost much, just €10.71 to €15. It’s important to apply on time, as getting this ID can take from one day to three weeks.

If you have a TIE card linked to the NIE, you’ll need to renew it. This is usually done at the same place you got the first card by making an appointment. Thanks to online systems, this process is now quicker than before, especially after COVID-19. Before, you had to go in person, but not anymore.

The rules for how long an NIE number certificate lasts have changed. It used to last three months but now it’s for life. Still, some notaries might not take certificates older than three months. If you’re from the EU, you don’t need a TIE card. But if you’re not and plan to stay over six months, you need a TIE with the NIE number on it.

  • Temporary NIE is valid for three months, mainly for property buyers.
  • Non-residents must get an NIE for work or business in Spain.
  • You can apply for an NIE at a Spanish Consulate abroad, and some might email it to you.

When you renew permits, you have to meet certain rules. You need a clean record in Spain, health care, and a valid passport. Renewal details differ based on if you work for yourself, are employed, a skilled worker, or under family reunion plans. Everyone has to show different papers and proofs.

For example, renewing a permit for self-employed needs proof of work and taxes paid. Family reunion permits need proof of relationship and enough money.

For non-profit visas, proving you have enough money is tougher for two-year renewals. And for long-term stays, you must show you’ve lived continuously for five years, focusing on any time away.

The NIE renewal process aims to make life easier for non-residents in Spain. If you follow the rules and apply on time, renewal is simple. This keeps your legal status and lets you enjoy life and work in Spain.

Legal Representation: Power of Attorney in NIE Applications

Getting your NIE is easier if you understand NIE legal representation. This is very true for those living abroad. For expats and investors, getting an NIE is key. It helps them use services and do business in Spain. The NIE power of attorney is very useful for this.

Getting an NIE usually takes about a month and a half. Starting early can help avoid delays. A lawyer in Spain can save you time and follow Spanish rules.

An NIE costs about €10. But, a Power of Attorney can add more costs. These include fees for certifying documents like your passport. Even so, it often leads to better outcomes with Spanish officials. Notaries might ask for more documents later. This shows how useful NIE legal representation is.

You must be 18 to give someone power of attorney in Spain. This is important for handling wills and inheritance. A limited power of attorney can reduce risks. Remember, creating one might add more costs.

When inheriting property, you must follow extra steps to register it. A NIE power of attorney helps a lot here. It lets someone else do things like get a will copy or talk to Spanish officials for you.

  1. Administrative charges for a Spanish power of attorney range between 25 and 50 euros.
  2. A power of attorney is indispensable in decisions where mental capacity is questioned, as stipulated by Articles 215 to 303 of the Spanish Civil Code.
  3. International legal validity is afforded by the Hague apostille, which ratifies a Spanish power of attorney across numerous countries.
  4. Being married doesn’t mean you can make decisions for your spouse. This shows why having a power of attorney is so important.

A NIE power of attorney means you follow Spanish law. This gives you peace of mind. Every week, over 1,000 people look up guides on this topic. Being well-prepared and informed is key. This makes sure your plans and business in Spain are safe and successful.


The NIE number is very important for those not from Spain. Without it you can’t buy a home, manage money or use public services in Spain. Getting an NIE lets you use important things like healthcare and schools.

Getting an NIE takes time and patience. You might wait a long time for an appointment. You also need many documents. But, our NIE summary shows it’s worth it. The NIE proves who you are in Spain.

Even though the NIE is only good for three months, it’s very important. It helps you live and work in Spain the right way.

We’ve reached the end of our guide. But, the tips and knowledge here should always help you. Understanding the NIE is key if you want to make Spain your home. Use this guide to feel ready and sure. With the right prep, using the NIE will go smoothly.
